Viva La Espana scream the Gtalk Status messages ( Torres! Torres! Torres! is mine)... my wish was granted, and artistry, for once, won the day in international football. In the semi-final against Russia, Spain played a sublime 2nd half; against the stubborn Germans, they fought and performed, equally. Brilliant flicks and touches from everyone, the Spanish team had quality all-through be it Ramos, Iniesta, Xavi or Fabregas.
This German team, thankfully, plays attractive football. The speed and stature of Schweinsteiger, the leadership of Ballack and the nomadic Lahm, all contribute to imbue a dash of style in the usual efficient machine.
An enthralling tournament, with loads of goals! Even the English must have enjoyed it!
The feature on the India Today supplement:
The chill factor
"So what if you can’t serve cocktails in Gujarat? There is little that can dampen the spirit of the quintessential adventurous Gujarati. Thanks to the exciting range of fresh mocktails—and the fun places that serve them—the thirst-quenching experience has been elevated up to a whole new level"
The first TDK reviews are out- and expectedly, are positively fanboyish. I, however, liked this bit by a small-time actor who got into the preview:
“If it were physically possible, I would fuck this movie.” - Aziz Ansari
This film is incredible and will blow away even the highest of expectations. I am fucking stunned and you will be too. Heath Ledger’s Joker is even more amazing than you think it will be.
Right On!
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